Playford Bowling Club Inc.

Types Of Games
Set in the northern suburb of Elizabeth and only twenty-five minutes from Adelaide,
the Playford Bowling Club will have three excellent undercover greens catering for all levels of competition, day social bowls, night social bowls & pennant bowls .
Whether it is Men’s or Women’s midweek Pennants or Saturday Pennants,
Night bowls , Social Daytime bowls and Tips for Beginners or Indoor Social Carpet bowls
The welcome mat is always out at the Playford Bowling Club
Free coaching from highly qualified coaches and loan bowls are available by arrangement.

Bowls is no longer a sport only for the older generation
Are you interested in learning how to play lawn Bowls ?

The objective is to roll the bowl as close as you can to the kitty or jack (the little white bowl). The closer you can roll it, the better.
To begin each end, the jack is rolled across the entire green length. It is centered in the middle of the rink, wherever it stops.
At that point, it is the target of the balance of the end.
Those who are new to lawn bowls should know that the bowl actually has a bias, meaning it is not completely round in shape.
The way the bowl is designed causes it to curve inwardly as the object begins to slow down.
The bowl can curve in either way, depending on how it's held while being delivered.
The green is completely flat and is between 36 - 40 square meters.
There are rinks that are part of the green.
The rinks are between 5.5 metres - 5.8 metres across.
Because of this structure, multiple games can be played simultaneously.

Lawn Bowls Strategy
Playing bowls takes into account both defensive strategy and offensive strategy.
A delivered bowl gives an additional challenge where the jack can be moved to various areas on the rink.
When bowling, there are different types of delivery that players use.
For example, a draw shot is when the bowl is bowled to a certain location with little disturbance of the other bowls.
Killing the End is when, the bowl is bowled with the goal of knocking the jack our of play.
An upshot is when the bowl is delivered with a lot of extra force.
This is done with the goal of disturbing other bowls and still not killing the end.
The block shot is one where it is placed short on purpose to stop an opposing players draw shot.
Usually, most bowls are black, brown, or white.
That being said, more colors are becoming more common.
Many times decals are added to the bowls to distinguish it from other bowls.
A jack is used as the target. It is white, round, and smaller.
 When the bowl is delivered by a player, his or her must have one foot on the mat.
Players must wear heel less footwear that is flat.
This is so damage will not come to the grass. At times, depending on where you are playing, there are some dress standards.
 Usually comfortable clothes can be worn.
 Depending on your skill level, there are various kinds of tournaments and compositions and Types of Games you can take advantage of.

The Origin of Bowls
Bowls historians believe that bowls developed from the Egyptians.  One of their pastimes was to play skittles with round stones.  This has been determined based on artefacts found in tombs dating circa 5,000 B.C.  The sport spread across the world and took on a variety of forms, Bocce (Italian), Bolla (Saxon), Bolle (Danish), Boules (French) and Ula Miaka (Polynesian).  The oldest Bowls green still played on is in Southampton, England where records show that the green has been in operation since 1299 A.D.  There are other claims of greens being in use before that time, but these are, as yet, unsubstantiated
King Henry VIII was a lawn bowler.  However, he banned the game for those who were not wealthy or "well to do" because "Bowyers, Fletchers, Stringers and Arrowhead makers" were spending more time at recreational events such as bowls instead of practising their trade.  Henry VIII requested that anybody who wished to keep a bowling green pay a fee of 100 pounds.  However, the green could only be used for private bowls play and he forbade anyone to "play at any bowl or bowls in open space out of his own garden or orchard". In 1845, the ban was lifted, and people were again allowed to play bowls and other games of skill.
Nowadays, Bowls is a hugely popular world sport. It appears in a variety of guises - Lawn Bowls and Indoor Bowls are recognised International sports with formal bodies at all levels. Crown Green Bowls is also a major pastime for thousands of people but this game is restricted more to the British Isles. The smaller modern indoor versions of the game - Shortmat Bowls and Carpet Bowls are also more of a British game but are less popular.